President - Pete Lim (Executive Board)
- Current Parent/Coach RBBA
- 10+ years as RBBA Board Member - Director of Rules & Instruction
- 30+ seasons coaching in RBBA
- USMC veteran
- Local small business owner
- Rockville HS graduate
- Business Process Consulting background
Vice President - Robert Goss (Executive Board)
- RBBA Director of Softball
- Softball coach - rec and travel
Secretary - Oriole Saah (Executive Board)
Treasurer - Terry Pierce (Executive Board)
- Former Poolesville Athletic Association Baseball Commissioner
- Former Parent/Coach PAA and RBBA
Legal Counsel - Kevin Finnegan
Advises the Board on legal matters, including interfacing with the City and advising the Board regarding City
of Rockville policy changes and how they affect the Association.
= Kevin Finnegan =
- Attorney
- Parent and Coach with experience in RBBA, BCC and travel baseball.
- Head Coach Rockville Stars baseball
Director of Softball - Madhu Hapuarachchi
Director of Operations, Baseball - VACANT
Oversees the operations of baseball and softball including equipment, umpires, snack bar, volunteers/SSL.
Snack Bar Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Operations and oversees all snack bar operations - inventory, schedule, volunteers.
Volunteer/SSL Coordinator - Heather Minneman
Training/certification through the County is required.
Reports to the Director of Operations and oversees all volunteers and SSL functions.
Equipment Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Operations and oversees all equipment for baseball and softball - inventory, ordering, distribution, collection, etc.
Uniform Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Operations and oversees all baseball and softball uniform and awards. Will interface with the Washington Nationals, uniform and award suppliers, screenprinters, etc.
Umpire Coordinator - Gabe Meyer
Reports to the Director of Operations and acts as the liaison between the RBBA and umpire organizations.
Point of contact for umpires for baseball.
Director of Public Relations - Jason Mollica
Oversees the operations of baseball and softball including public relations, communications, internet operations, sponsorship.
Internet Operations Coordinator - Madhu Hapuarachchi
Reports to the Director of Public Relations and oversees all internet-related operations.
Sponsorship Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Public Relations and oversees all sponsorship-related operations. Includes banners, website, uniforms, etc.
Communications Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Public Relations and oversees all communications - email, marketing materials, etc.
MCPS School Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Public Relations and oversees the distribution of digital and physical information to local elementary and middle schools. Will interface with MCPS to understand requirements, delivery dates, methods, etc.
Director of Rules & Instruction, Baseball - VACANT
Rules Coordinator - pending
Reports to the Director of Rules & Instruction and oversees the rules all divisions of baseball. Will compare RBBA Rules with other baseball leagues such as MCLL, BCC, KOA, etc.
Training Coordinator - Jeff Perkins
- Reports to the Director of Rules & Instruction and oversees the baseball training of coaches and players.
- Interfaces with the Nationals, NAYS and other organizations to coordinate and communicate training opportunities.
= Jeff Perkins =
- Parent and Coach with experience in RBBA, MCLL and travel baseball.
- Coaching experience in other sports such as soccer and basketball.
Personnel Coordinator 1, Baseball - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Rules & Instruction and oversees a portion of enrollment of players and coaches each season.
Personnel Coordinator 2 - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Rules & Instruction and oversees a portion of enrollment of players and coaches each season.
Director of Division Play, Baseball - Todd Owens
Oversees the Division Coordinators of day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
= Todd Owens =
- Former RBBA parent-coach.
- Former RBBA Division Director.
Instructional Division Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
American League (8u-9u) - Grades 2 & 3 Coordinator - Dan Petkovsek
Dan Petkovsek
- Current RBBA Parent-Coach
Minor League (10u-11u) - Grades 4 & 5 - Jeff Perkins
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
= Jeff Perkins =
- Parent and Coach with experience in RBBA, MCLL and travel baseball.
- Coaching experience in other sports such as soccer and basketball.
Major League (12u-13u) - Grades 6 & 7 - Evan Owens
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
Seniors AL (14u-15u) Grades 8 & 9 Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
Seniors NL - Grades 10 to 12 - PENDING
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
Baseball Travel Director - Sal Colangelo
Fall Baseball Coordinator - VACANT
Reports to the Director of Division Play, Baseball and oversees day to day operations - schedules, umpires, communications, etc.
Softball Travel Director - Suzanne Smith
= Suzanne Smith =
Associate Member, City of Rockville - Derrick Thompson
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, Big Train - Bruce Adams
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, Rockville High School Baseball - Faron Riggs
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, Rockville Baseball Club - Gerry Blackwell
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, Rockville High School Softball - PENDING
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, BCC Baseball - Chris Doerr
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.
Associate Member, Rockville Express - Mike Zuckman
Associate Membership provided by the RBBA Board to help guide the organization. Non-voting membership.